Basketball legend, novelist, and superstar polymath Kareem Abdul-Jabbar brings his take on Sherlock Holmes' older brother to comics at last! An all-new adventure set in the world of the bestselling Mycroft Holmes novel, The Apocalypse Handbook, sees the diffident, brilliant Mycroft pulled into a globe-spanning adventure at the behest of Queen Victoria and a secret organization at the heart of the British government. A madman is on the loose with civilization-destroying weapons, each two hundred years in advance of the status quo. Can the smartest man in England set aside his idle, womanizing ways for long enough to track down the foe that may be his match?
“I actually gasped aloud at several points, when I wasn’t cackling with laughter, the dialogue and personalities are just so on point and so well supported by the art that this was a joy to read.” --Pop Culture Uncovered
“This is a great issue to start off a series that is going to be full of adventure and intrigue. Our protagonist is, thus far, really interesting. His intelligence resonates really well, and is almost mesmerizing. The creative team on this series has done an amazing job so far, and I can’t wait to see where things go from here!” --ComicWow
“A sensational start to the series combining an intriguing story setup with entertaining character development and action. It’s an engrossing issue from the first page to the last due to the smooth writing and beautiful visuals. The way the attack on the British museum unfolds sets the tone early, and the focus on Mycroft’s behavior makes him feel like a unique character while leaving room for some serious growth. I know it’s only one issue but at this rate this series could easily become one of my favorites. I highly recommend it…. And the twist at the end has me waiting for the next issue with bated breath.” --The Hulking Reviewer
“I found myself absorbed in the story from the very beginning…. It is this absolute confidence in his cutting dialogue that makes him one of those fascinating characters that you should hate, but secretly love because you can’t wait to see what he’ll come up with next…. Sherlock makes an appearance mid-way through, and their initial exchange had me both laughing out loud and also grateful that I don’t have siblings…. Mycroft is given a distinctive narrative that frames him very much in the vein of a superhero but without the powers….At the end of the issue, I was already excited for the next installment to see what he would get himself into next. Anyone who loves a good adventure story and smart, fast-paced dialogue is going to adore Mycroft Holmes. A solid 10/10 from me.” --BlackGirlNerds
“Some brilliantly funny and witty banter between Mycroft and his younger brother Sherlock…. I can’t wait to get hold of the second issue to see where this is going to lead.” --SciFi Pulse
“One of the more adult takes on the Holmes universe…. The dark but detailed art from Joshua Cassara is perfect for Victorian England. There’s a lot of great artwork in comics so it’s nice to be impressed, and there’s something about this one that stands out.” --NerdSpan
“The script by Abdul-Jabbar and Obstfeld does a great job capturing Mycroft’s nonchalance and humor. In particular, an exchange between Mycroft and his brother Sherlock demonstrates the quick but crude wit one might expect from two brothers of such contrasting personalities. This humor extends to the overall script as well, including an origin for Sherlock’s ‘Elementary.’ Able to maintain this energy throughout its entirety, making for an entertaining read…. a stellar debut.” --Adventures in Poor Taste
“Both the story and the art is nothing elementary but grades above. Rating: 4.5/5” --Outright Geekery
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